Interpol Antics Zip
Antics is an unbelievably disappointing followup to one of the best albums of the naughties. Lyrically it is uninspiring drivel, flawed beyond belief. There are numerous lines, sometimes several per song, which read like an abortion of the English language.
While I'd agree Evil has its moments, sounds very psych furs-ish (except for the dreadful chorus lyrics) I'm sure it'll get some radioplay. But I would say the best song on the album is probably NARC, even though it has lost some of the intensity from live versions. Followed closely by Take You On A Cruise & Length of Love, which are both brilliant and what you would expect from the band. They've barred off the minimalistic approach which managed to sheath their sometimes questionable lyrics that was so effectively balanced on the first album. Antics however is just dribble lyricwise and theres really nowhere near enough amazing parts where the music speaks for itself no matter what Paul is singing. Lyrics abound where they simply just dont belong to anyone with a shred of sense.
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They've seemingly gone head on into radio friendly territory, some moments, in particular Slow Hands, actually give the lazy franz ferdinand->interpol comparisons some value now, but I really don't see that type of success coming too them as much as it pains me, I really love this band, but Antics is almost an insult to listen to, even for the masses. Its certainly no Closer. ―, Wednesday, 21 July 2004 11:46 (fourteen years ago). I liked the faster songs on their first album and a couple of the slower, more atmospheric tracks (Stella., NYC) but Antics seems uncompromisingly dull. The better parts just make it clear how flawed the rest of the album is. The leaked copy was also the highlight of a party I was at earlier this week, and watching a Pitchfork hipster air-drum to 'Slow Hands' made me want to strangle someone. I've got to say though, that it sounded much better at the party than when I first heard it at home, and that generally I like Interpol much better when I'm drunk.
―, Wednesday, 1 September 2004 22:59 (fourteen years ago). This is far from a crap album.
I don't get what people are talking about here. Multiple listens, weeks, months later - are opinions more positive or do people still dismiss this record as they did on the initial leaks? The reviews in general seem to be a lot more favourable than that of say, Room On Fire, which seemed to get slammed - only to emerge as a pretty solid follow up in terms of general reception. I suspect Antics is the same deal. Actual Interpol fans would surely be exhibiting knee-jerk-itis to dismiss the progression here. Evil, Narc, Take You On A Cruise, Length Of Love, hell, most of it's really good.
―, Tuesday, 5 October 2004 22:48 (fourteen years ago). Antics is far better than I first thought. I thought the poor quality of the above mentioned (and oft-criticized) leak might prove to be said leak's albatross. I like to think with the improved quality of the recording, not to mention the vox much higher in the mix, that I've been my earlier suspicions have been vindicated.
Artists and genres tend be seasonal for me. Getting hold of 'important financial notes' in July when I was thinking and wanting big brother beats and mojito-sipping minimal house pushed Antics out or rotation quickly. Now I can't stop listening to the damn thing. Maybe I'm just an Interpolwhore, but this is exactly the balance of chugging guitar interplay, keys, and melody I had hoped Interpol would create in TOTBL's follow-up. Maybe it's 'more of the same,' but there's unquestionable progress on almost every front.
―, Wednesday, 6 October 2004 02:00 (fourteen years ago). Yeah, it's not perfect - I usually turn off the album after 'Public Pervert,' but I think it's really solid up to that point. The lyrics are just really weird and baffling in a way which isn't cool or clever a la Wu-Tang/Pavement/The Fall etc.
The grammar and syntax is bizarre for the most part. I'm not sure if the lyrics are meant to be linear, though there are definitely evocative lines here and there which do get across the emotional content fairly well.
'Evil' has a few great lines. Mtk drivers 4pda proshivki 3. So does 'Narc.' ―, Wednesday, 13 October 2004 15:07 (fourteen years ago).
After listening to the album for the last week or so, the opening track is still the best song on it. 'Be My Baby' drumbreak + 'Hold Me Tight' chord progression + U2 style chiming guitars + kinda crap lyrics, still (surprisingly) = great tune. 'Slow Hands' is completely tuneless, I'm amazed that's the lead-off single.