Install Wifidog On Windows
Apr 09, 2013 Download The WiFiDog captive portal suite for free. The WiFi Guard Dog project is a complete and embeddable captive portal solution for wireless community groups or individuals who wish to open free HotSpots while preventing abuse of their connection. Download Latest Version wifidog-20090925.tar.gz (639.8 kB) Get Updates. Get project updates, sponsored content from our select partners, and more.
Jump to:, [] Quick overview Wifidog is a client/Server portal system which can fullfil a lot of your client login or splash-only needs. From v24, DDWrt includes a wifidog daemon that can be easily configured with just a few clicks.

[] France Wireless example Here is an example configuration for the Wifidog server run by (6K users): Go To Services -> Hotspot. Click 'Enable' on the Wifidog section.
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Depending on your Wifidog server configuration, the parameters may be different from these:- • Enter the MAC address of the Wifi interface that will be used for the hotspot in the 'GatewayID'. • Fill up the server parameters with the server: auth.wireless-fr.org • Activate SSL authentification • Save and apply. You should afterwards be redirected to a page saying that the Node is not know on the server, please send a mail to rafi AT wireless-fr.org containing your GatewayID.