Ahci Driver Windows 7 64 Bit
Hi all - I was wondering if someone could help me with this problem: I have a coolmax external drive enclosure with a Seagate SATA drive that is running on a dell E6400 with windows 7 64 bit. ESATA will not work in AHCI mode and bluescreens the system if i change it in the bios. The system is currently running in IRRT but in that mode the drive will only work in USB which is too slow.
(I need to run VM's from the drive) I need to be able to make this work without reinstalling the OS in AHCI mode. Is there any way to do this? I have tried manually loading the drivers but in windows 7 they don't appear to 'stick' when I reboot Windows goes back to the standard intel driver (Non AHCI) and bluescreens if I reboot. I made sure any registry settings that need to be modified are modified, and I think I have done everything in my limited power to try and get this to work.I did change the driver one time and got it to work but after a couple of times I rebooted it blue screened again. It seems there is something different maybe in my machine i don't know because I have 5 coworkers who have the exact same system and the exact same drive and enclosure running Windows 7 64 bit and they were able to change from IRRT to AHCI and get theirs to function with very little difficulty.
When i tried to follow the same method I found that my OS configuration was different (i.e. Registry settings that needed to be change already were changed) and I was unable to get it to work properly. So i KNOW it CAN work I just need to know how to get it to work without expending a lot of additional money and time beyond what I have already done. Can anyone please help me?
The system uses a default AHCI driver using this procedure. The system would not allow me to install the AMD AHCI drivers before switching because the hardware could not be found. After switching I was able to load the AMD AHCI drivers without problem and the system did require another reboot to use the AMD drivers. Install SATA AHCI Driver to Windows 7 After Install by Marcel Brown on March 27, 2014 With the upcoming End of Support for Windows XP, I expect that many of us will be upgrading some older machines that run Windows XP to Windows 7.
With the upcoming End of Support for Windows XP, I expect that many of us will be upgrading some older machines that run Windows XP to Windows 7. My suggestion is to only upgrade machines that are relatively newer, for example PCs that were bought in the Vista or early Windows 7 years but had XP pre-installed. I wouldn’t recommend upgrading older XP machines that will struggle with Windows 7. But if you have an XP machine that can handle Windows 7, then it might be a good idea to upgrade it. Telegram for nokia symbian phones.
I ran into a situation with a Dell Precision T3400 workstation where the installation of Windows 7 Professional 64-bit wouldn’t install properly. I had installed a brand new Seagate Hybrid Solid State/Hard Drive in the machine and was doing a clean install. It kept rebooting after the initial install sequence. It appeared to me that it was blue screening in a manner that was indicative of a SATA AHCI driver problem.
Sure enough, when I went into the BIOS and set the SATA operation to ATA, the installation completed without further issue. However, now I had a Windows 7 installation with ATA drivers instead of the higher performing AHCI drivers (it was puzzling to me why the installation was able to get that far in AHCI mode if it wasn’t going to install a suitable AHCI driver and simply crash later, but I chalk that up to Windows being Windows).
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Usually, this isn’t such a hard problem to fix: simply download the proper AHCI drivers, install them, change SATA operation back to AHCI in the BIOS and you’re golden. However, in this case, the AHCI drivers (Intel ICH9R/DO/DH) would not install. The installer kept claiming the computer did not meet minimum requirements or something similar. I couldn’t even force the drivers to manually install after extracting them. It appeared to me that since SATA operation was set to ATA mode, the installer/drivers didn’t recognize the controller as AHCI capable. I couldn’t set SATA operation back to AHCI because that caused a blue screen crash during boot, so I was almost of the mind that I would need to reinstall Windows 7 making sure to specifically add the AHCI drivers during the installation process.