Estey Organ Serial Numbers
For a century the Estey Organ Company in Brattleboro, Vermont was the largest Organ (music) manufacturer in the United States. In 1852 Jacob Estey founded the company and bought out another Brattleboro manufacturing business. At its peak, the company employed approximately 700 people, and sold its high-quality items as far away as Africa, Great Britain, Australia, and New Zealand. Age Calculator. Step 1: Locate the serial number, usually found on the plate of the piano between the bass and tenor strings. It can also be found on the top of the piano when you open the lid. You are looking for a number like those shown here.
Once you know the name brand of your piano, you will need to find the serial number. Step 1: The serial number is usually found on the plate of the piano between the bass and tenor strings. It can also be found on the top of the piano when you open the lid on Upright Pianos. You are looking for a number like those shown here. Serial Numbers on Upright Pianos Serial Numbers on Grand Pianos These are usually found on the “Plate” near the tuning pins between the bass and tenor sections as shown below.
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This Estey pump organ is in excellent condition. It plays well, if you have the leg muscles to pump it! Using the serial numbers that are imprinted in the wood with the Estey Date estimator on their website, it shows that this organ was manufactured between 1850 and 1855. Windows 7 loader slic activation with oem crack patch. The man from whom I purchased it, said that he thought it was from before the Civil War, as those dates confirm. It has candle holders/flat wooden disks on each end that stand 14 inches from the top of the organ. It has a great deal of ornamental carving on the music stand and on the sides. The only thing that we added, was some carpet pieces to the pedals to make it easier on the feet to pump.