Difference Between Squirrel Cage And Wound Rotor Induction Motor Pdf
Wound rotor induction motor qualities. • Excellent starting torque for high inertia loads. • Low starting current compared to squirrel cage induction motor. • Speed is resistance variable over 50% to 100% full speed. • Higher maintenance of brushes and slip rings compared to squirrel cage motor.
Best Answer: 1) squirrel Cage Rotor copper Bar Windings are Shorted with End Ring & Rotor winding resistance very Low.It is High starting torque lesser than Wound Rotor Motor.Constant Speed.With Load starting current may be > than 3 times. Cost is cheap.Not suitable for Crane, Hoist,& Traction. 2) Wound Rotor Motor otherwise called Slip ring Induction Motor.Rotor also Made of 3 phase windings the Out put as Taken in Slip ring Rotor Impedance High.Starting Torque High.It required Spl starters to Run.with Resistance Boxes.Used in cranes & Lifts.It can capable of Start with load Size is big, Cost also high.Starting current can be controlled by adding resistance in rotor winding.Slowly decreasing It & shorted finally in Top full speed.can be used in Electric.Traction,Crane & lifts purpose. I hope i have given a little.
A squirrel-cage rotor is the rotating part (rotor) used in the most common form of AC induction motor. It consists of a cylinder of steel with aluminum or copper conductors embedded in its surface. An electric motor with a squirrel-cage rotor is termed a squirrel-cage motor. A wound-rotor motor is a type of induction motor where the rotor windings are connected through slip rings to external resistances. Adjusting the resistance allows control of the speed/torque characteristic of the motor. Wound-rotor motors can be started with low inrush current, by inserting high resistance into the rotor circuit; as the motor accelerates, the resistance can be decreased.
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